Oxy Labs YK 11 10mg x 90 caps

  • Brand: Oxy Labs
  • Availability: In Stock


YK-11 is a Myostatin inhibitor which is increases muscle pumps and muscle hardness. YK11 is actually classified as a steroidal SARM and is used specifically for those wanting to gain...

YK-11 is a Myostatin inhibitor which is increases muscle pumps and muscle hardness.

YK11 is actually classified as a steroidal SARM and is used specifically for those wanting to gain lean, hard muscle.

YK11 can be used in both cutting and bulking cycles. For short durations of time and stacks well with Testolone (RAD140), Anabolicum (LGD-4033), and Stenabolic (SR9009)

YK-11 is a myostatin inhibitor ie it reduces the amount of myostatin released using increasing follistatin. Myostatin is a protein produced and released by myocytes that act on muscle cells’ autocrine function to inhibit muscle cell growth.

Myostatin acts as a regulator of skeletal muscle mass, limiting how much muscle the body can grow.

Interestingly enough, genetically gifted bodybuilders have been found to have very low levels of Myostatin in their bodies, which is possibly the reason why they have such a remarkable ability to easily build muscle.

The advantage of reducing the release of this protein is increased:

  • muscle pumps.
  • muscle hardness.
  • muscle size.
  • strength
  • basil metabolic rate using lean muscle growth.
  • ability to build muscle beyond your natural genetic ability.

How to Use YK-11

YK-11’s Half-life is 6 – 10 hours so it is possible to take YK-11 more often than once a day.  YK-11 has been reported to work best when taken as one tablet twice a day. Ideally just before training. It can be taken for a period of 4 weeks and then a break of 4- 6 weeks is recommended